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Wednesday, November 27, 2013




Nuweiba means " bubbling springs " in Arabic and it is one of the great oasis in southern Sinai. Nuweiba has recently been discovered by investors establishing hotels along the coast, linking to Taba Egypt in the north and south of Dahab.
Nuweiba is located 70 km south of Taba Egypt and 180 km north of Sharm el- Sheikh and only 110 km from Sainte- Catherine. 

The city is divided into three parts. From the south you will find the port, the city, and Tarabin, the Bedouin camp and a Nuweiba beach where most backpackers stay. Nuweiba city lacks a center, but he has a small strip of cheap restaurants, an internet cafe, and a few souvenir shops. Along the Nuweiba beach in the town of resorts and other high-end camps are located.

Nuweiba, a sleepy town, but very characteristic of the Bedouins on the Gulf of Aqaba, has much to offer the diver. Like a beautiful and relaxed diving holiday destination , Nuweiba will appeal to those seeking tranquility , away from the crowds and a return to the blank side of the Red Sea. Gardens of hard and soft corals are home to a wealth of beautiful marine life , crystal clear turquoise waters.
Nuweiba Beach
Nuweiba Beach

Diving in Nuweiba is a very relaxed affair. Basically, all the dive sites are accessible from shore and diving is normally conducted with jeeps or pick ups which will fall on the selected sites. Between the two , you will be offered a delicious cup of tea or coffee Bedouin , and you 'll still have time to return to your hotel and relax on the Nuweiba beach or pool.
Diving in Nuweiba
Diving in Nuweiba
Nuweiba marine area is protected, like many other areas in Egypt, and diving centers here operate according to procedures that respect the environment. In the periphery of the region is the area of Nuweiba Ras Abu Galum protected, the box of off- piste desert - true paradise sea.
Selection Nuweiba on the Red Sea Riviera , as the place to get your certification scuba diving is an excellent choice. The conditions are ideal and there is much to see : the gardens of hard and soft corals and species of valuable fish such as fish razor shrimpfish , stonefish and Pegasus fish . Those who have a keen eye for detail will find the elusive frogfish , seahorse and delicate colorful nudibranchs fascinating.

Most stations have Nuweiba diving centers reliable and well organized, offering all kinds of services, diving courses from beginners to professional courses, baptisms and diving packages , with one, two or more dives per day, for those who are certified
For diving enthusiasts unauthorized, most centers offer free of charge pool intros, where visitors can experience the thrill of scuba diving on a one -on-one with an instructor diving in the hotel poo.

Nuweiba diving centers also offer experience programs , where the visitor can try actual dives in the sea straight away, under the strict supervision of a diving professional .

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Taba Egypt

Taba Egypt

Taba Egypt
Taba Egypt

With its year-round sunshine, luxury hotels, sandy beaches and cooling breezes of the sea, the resort of Taba Egypt Heights has everything to satisfy the devoted worshiper of the sun. And its location - near the border with Israel, sandwiched between towering peaks and coral reefs of the Red Sea and overlooking the Gulf of Aqaba and the mountains of Arabia - in fact a launching point for scenic excursions to ancient attractions, dramatic canyons and underwater worlds.

Taba Egypt is located at the northern tip of the Gulf of Aqaba, part of the Red Sea, and is accessible by road from any large city in Egypt, including Cairo and Sharm El - Sheihk and Eilat in Israel. There is a ferry service from Aqaba, Jordan, which is currently closed due to security concerns and trade, as well as charter flights from various international airports.
Taba Egypt map
Taba Egypt map

The unique location of Taba Egypt Heights on the Red Sea Riviera, you can visit some of the world's most spectacular historical sites. Taba Egypt Heights is a beachfront , surrounded by Sinia mountains, where you can see Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia across the Red Sea. The development of 4.2 million square feet to 5 km of beaches where the hotels of category 4 World 5 Stars. The seafront leads to the Red Sea and a whole new underwater world to explore.

Many people visit Taba Egypt come to discover the serene beaches and fantastic hotels that Taba Egypt has to offer. All inclusive resorts, which typically include restaurants, shops and even casinos are a specialty but the low budget options are also available for those looking for a deal. Adventure sports such as diving, snorkeling, hiking , quad biking, and of course camel rides , everything is possible and organized by most hotels in the area.

Other attractions in the area include the Coloured Canyon , St. Catherine, Saladin fortress and Taba Egypt Heights. These are all short trips Taba Egypt that are popular and easily accessible.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Temple karnak

Temple karnak

Temple Karnak
 Karnak temple is the largest temple in Egypt because of its monumental 1300 years of building size. It was launched by the dynasty XII' s Sesostris I. After each pharaoh down to the Ptolemaic period attempts to eradicate his authority surpassing the previous in his (or her) contribution. Karnak actually contains three separate temples , the most important being the largest of the new kingdom of God Amun temple. As it is humanly impossible to cover every corner of the temple, we had to Avenue of ram-headed we shinxesrestrict the following sections - which is in the temple of Amun.
Karnak is a complex in Egypt where the ancient temple ruins are located. These temples are the days of the Pharaoh Ramses II , from about 1391-1351 BC. This area was the most important place for worship during this time. The Great Temple of Amun was a very large building , and it is always available for visitors today. The Temple Complex of Karnak near Luxor, south of Cairo, Egypt. It is visited more than any other historical area in the world, after the Pyramids of Giza, which is the largest ancient religious preservation in the world.

A number of important ancient cities and temples are known from ancient Egypt. One of the most famous cities is Thebes , an important religious center and the burial place of the kings of the New Kingdom. The tombs of the city, including the Valley of Kings and Queens are located on the west bank of the Nile in the limestone cliffs of the region. The mortuary temples of many kings of the New Kingdom along the floodplain of the Nile.

Ancient temples were considered the residence of God. The temple of Karnak was the dwelling place of Amun - Ra, his wife Mut and their son Khonsu, the moon god. Construction continued on this temple for over two thousand years in the belief that building once stopped , the temple is dead. The temple was a closed compound, open only to priests and the Pharaoh. Ordinary people could not enter the court.

Karnak Temple Complex There are four main temples of the complex, and the Precinct of Amun -Re is the largest. Here, people worshiped the god Amun-Re. The complex contains many monuments and structures , and it is very large. Parts of the building are not accessible to the public due to restoration. It is a gathering place outdoors that visitors can see . This is where the temples and Opet Khons  can be found. The Cult Terrace is the gateway that has partially visible in some of the kings of the Third Intermediate Period images. The pylon , or monumental gate is here for visitors to see. The first tower is built of mud bricks and gives modern-day visitors an idea of ​​how the construction of the temple took place long ago.

The temple used to be connected to its counterpart, the Temple of Luxor , through an avenue of sphinxes most with the exception of a few meters apart from each temple which was destroyed by the company. Our approach to the temple through this avenue of ram headed sphinxes which led to the first of six towers. The first pylon is actually still pending and abandoned mud ramp behind with some unfinished columns around to give us an idea of the old construction methods. The most impressive object in the yard after the first tower is one of the surviving columns erected by Taharqa the Nubian king . The square also contains a triple shrine to the Thebean triad of Amun , Mut and Khonsu and a giant granite Ramesis II with his favorite wife Nefertari nestled between his feet .

Beyond the second pylon is not . One highlight of Karnak, the great hypostyle hall. Created by Seti I and completed by his son Ramesis II , this room contains 134 gigantic columns, the largest being 23m high and 15m in diameter. Ten adults standing with hands stretched out around the pillars can barely measure their circumfrence . The room has an area of ​​6000 m², more than twice as large as St Paul› Cathedral in London Hatshepsut ‹ s Obelisk . Beyond the room are obelisks erected by Thutmose II and his daughter Hatshepsut. Among them, the obelisk erected by Hatshepsut is the best preserved, thanks to the wall built around her by her step- son to hide his work from the outside. Obelisks of Hatshepsut are now spread all over the globe occupying important places in New York, London, Istanbul and Rome , and part of it is also in the Museum of Sydney.

Karnak Temple

Beyond the next pylon are reliefs depicting the conquests of Thutmose III, Egypt the greatest conqueror and popularly known as Alexander the East. Some of the listed cities conquered yet have their original names! Another interesting part of the temple is the Hatshepsut' s wall that still retains most of its original Hatshepsut' s Wallcarvings and colors with the exception of her figure, which had been destroyed by his son-in way back in 1500 BC the first instance of political vandalism! The best example of the longevity of ancient Egyptian colors can be seen at the rear of the inner temple chamber victory of Thutmose III. The figures for 2000 years old Jesus and Mary drawn by the ancient Coptic Christians (who in all likelihood could be the ancient art of the church) fade revealing the bright colors of the old 3500 year old Egyptian paintings sub-underlying! The room also houses a statue of the triad that was ideally suited to form a crude cross and the most famous of the ancient graffiti, the name Champoleon - the translator of hieroglyphics.
 Karnak temple/ reliefs depicting the conquests of Thutmose III
 Reliefs depicting the conquests of Thutmose III
Karnak temple/ Hatshepsut's obelisk
Hatshepsut's obelisk
The history of the Karnak temple reflects the religious history and national politics in the broadest sense of Egypt. Struggles for domination of the country , growth and WAN- tion of international power of Egypt and religious innovation and conservatism are all enrolled in the same matrix of the temple. In some cases , the temples of Karnak hold important and unique stories that historians use to reconstruct the political, religious and military history. By understanding the different phases and changes in the temple Amon-Ra , we can learn to better understand the history of the country as a whole.

Friday, November 15, 2013


tutankhamun king

Egypt tourism/ King of Tutankhamun
King of Tutankhamun
 Tutankhamun, or better known as King Tut, was a pharaoh who accomplished little in his life. He did not expand the borders of Egypt, nor enjoy triumphant victories like the many pharaohs before him, but he is the most recognized and probably the most famous pharaoh today. But why is it so famous? This response can be attributed to the discovery of his tomb and his treasures developed.
The birth name of Tutankhamun was Toutankhaton, which means "Living Image of Aten." His father, who remains a mystery, is considered Akhenaten, although some evidence points Amenhotp III. His mother remains a mystery as well but it is considered Kiya.

Who exactly was King Tut, known during his life from Tutankhuaten (or Tutankhaten), reflecting its roots Amarna, and later as Tutankhamun, reflecting a return to the traditional religion of Egypt? Despite the wealth of his funeral, King Tutankhamun remains somewhat enigmatic figure, even if it has been the subject of much research. Presumably, he was born in Akhenaton (modern el-Amarna), during the second half of the reign of Akhenaten, the heretic king who tried to establish a radical change in the traditional Egyptian religion. We believe that he died in his late teens, judging by various analyzes of his mother.
Although his royal lineage was sometimes questioned, one discovered in El Ahsmunein other side of the el-Amarna River Tutankhuaten registration confirms that (as it was called at the time) was indeed the son of a king. Not surprisingly, the official policy during the reign of the child seems to have been to emphasize its association with Amenhotep III, which we presume to be her grandfather. Given the absence of a long co-regency between Amenhotep III and Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten later), it is likely that Tutankhamun was the son of the latter.

Although it seems that Akhenaten had to be the father of Tutankhamun, there is much less evidence about his mother. However, a degree of informed speculation is possible. For example, we can probably eliminate Nefertiti, because it seems to have provided her husband, Akhenaten, without son. Of course, she was not his only wife. Among the wives and concubines of the king side, one in particular stands out. It is lady Kiya, identified by some with Mitannian Tadukhepa princess, daughter of Tushratta, sent to Egypt to cement the treaty relations between the two countries at the beginning of the reign. 

Towards the end of Akhenaten's reign prominent members of the court, especially Ay and Horemheb, probably realized that things could not continue as they were. Akhenaten had changed the religion of God Amun Ra previous religion that worshiped the s many gods and there was a lot of dissension among the priests. Smenkhkare, brother or son of Akhenaten, and co-regent, probably came to the same conclusions as he left and returned to the old capital, Memphis.
Egypt tourism/ Akhenaten
Shortly after the death of Akhenaten, aged about nine, Tutankhamun was crowned in Memphis. His family, his mother, his stepmother Nefertiti and half-sister were all dead. He was probably under the care and direction of Ay, the official, and Horemheb, the military. The wife of Tutankhamun, Ankhesenpaaten was apparently older than her, because she was already in childbearing age, who supposedly a girl by her father, Akhenaten.
Once Tutanhhamun was installed as king was made a move back to the old religion. This was particularly noticeable in two years, when the king and queen have changed - already aten at the end of their names Amon.
Tutankhamun probably had little to do with this and other decisions that his advisers were those who hold the reins and manipulate the decisions of the young king. Records show the relocation of the old religion of Amun and the reopening and rebuilding of temples. A large number of reliefs and statues have been identified as belonging to the original Tutankhamun, because although the inscriptions were changed by Horemheb, the characteristics of the child-king are clearly recognizable.
Extensive building works were made at Karnak and Luxor in the name of Tutankhamun, but were all supported by Horemheb. Few events other than return to Thebes and back to Amon religion were documented reign of Tutankhamun.
Tutankhamun's tomb reflect scenes suggesting campaigns were launched against the Nubians and Syrians, however, is doubtful that he actually participated in these campaigns probably led by the military commander of Horemheb. 
Egypt tourism/ Tutankhamun's tomb
Tutankhamun's tomb
Egypt tourism/ Inside Tutankhamun's tomb
Inside Tutankhamun's tomb
Tutankhamun died young, probably in his ninth year of his reign. This is evidenced by a forensic analysis of his mother who put his age at about 17. Second, joints bribes found in his tomb record the type of wine, the vineyard, the name of the chief winemaker and year of King when they were made. The highest recorded date is the 9th year, suggesting that Tutankhamun died this year.
There is no positive evidence on Tutankhamun's mummy like how he died, he did not die of consumption than previously thought. Autopsies and X-ray found a small piece of bone from the skull above, may be the result of a blow, but if you have an accident or murder can not be determined.

Where Tutankhamun's tomb was found was much too small for a royal burial, and most likely a tomb for Ay granted by a royal grant in recognition of his services over the years. As Tutankhamun died suddenly and that the tomb was almost ready, he was assigned and the burial chamber decorated immediately. Tutankhamun's tomb seems to be intended as found by Giovanni Belzoni in 1816 at the end of the Valley of the Kings (KV 23) and later used by Ay.
The magnificent treasures of the tomb are shown in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. One can only imagine the wonderful treasures that we should find the tomb of a king long reign was discovered when both found in the tomb of the boy king....

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Egypt Alexandria

Egypt Alexandria

Alexandria is the second largest city in Egypt, and is often regarded as the shining pearl of the Mediterranean. Although it is located only about 140 miles from Cairo, this charming city is significantly different from other parts of Egypt, as it has a culture and a Mediterranean atmosphere. Its great natural beauty and rich cultural heritage and history make it one of the most preferred tourist destinations in the country.

Egypt tourism/Alexandria, Egypt
Overlooking the sea , Alexandria, Egypt
Alexandria was founded in 331 BC by Alexander the Great. Alexander wanted the city to replace Naucratis as the capital of Hellenistic Egypt, and serve as a link between the Nile Valley and Greece. Soon it grew to become the new commercial center between Europe and the Middle East, and had a population greater than Carthage. In just a century after its founding, it has become the most populous city in the world. He gained recognition as the leading Hellenistic city in Egypt, and it has attracted many people from mainland Greece.

Since the 19th century Alexandria took a new role as a center of commercial and maritime expansion of Egypt. This Alexandria has been immortalized by writers such as EM Forster and Cavafy - . Generations of immigrants from Greece , Italy and the Levant settled here and made the city synonymous with commerce , cosmopolitanism and bohemian culture .

Alexandria is a city to explore at random. It is also important to enjoy the atmosphere as it is to see the sights.

Egypt tourism/ Stanlie Bridge , Alexandria, Egypt
Stanlie Bridge , Alexandria, Egypt
Old town Alexandria

Dinocrates Heptastadion built the causeway between Pharos and the mainland. This divided the ports in the West and the East. The eastern harbor was really where was the old port since the Middle Ages.

Of modern Alexandria, the oldest section is along the causeway which links what was once Pharos island with the mainland and includes the districts of Gumrok (the oldest dating from about the 16th century and known as the district Customs ) Anfushi and Ras el -Tin (Cape of Figs ) . The last two days districts about the period of Mohammed Ali ( 1805-1849 ) . Collectively, these districts are known to westerners as the Turkish Quarter . They had a number of ups and downs over the years, partly because of the plague in the 17th century. The area is a kind of T-shaped dividing the Eastern Harbor Port West .

This section of Alexandria is known to us more books than we can actually see in the area . When the Pharos Lighthouse once stood , is now occupied by the Fort of Quit Bay (1) the area that wraps around the upper part of Port East forming the eastern part of the top of the T. Heading south of Fort Quit Bay, we come to the beautiful Abu El -Abbas Mosque ( 2). West are the tombs Anfushi (3), some of the oldest in Alexandria and well worth a visit .

Underwater discoveries

Relatively new discoveries in the eastern harbor involve two different sites. Around Fort Qaitbey site has unearthed hundreds of objects , including what experts believe to be the remains of the Pharos Lighthouse , one of the ancient wonders of the world in the south -eastern port archaeologists have apparently found the royal chambers , including granite columns and fabulous statues, including one of Isis and a sphinx head thought to be the father of Cleopatra. There may vary well be an underwater exhibit in the future.

En route to the continent after the Abu El -Abbas Mosque and connecting with Shari Faransa street leads to Souk area . Just before entering the area, is the small mosque interesting Terbana (4). In the district of Suq (5), there are only survivors wakalas of Alexandria, which is a part of the complex of El- Shorbagi mosque founded in 1757. It was also the area where the Jewish community of Alexandria lived , but most have now migrated to Israel. Different areas have specialized in different goods and you can find all kinds of products from jewelry to Medicinal plants ( Souk El- Magharba ) to Bedouin clothing ( Souk El- Libia ).

Continuing along Faransa one passes Midan Tahrir ( 6) and the street turns into Salah Salem, and finally connects with Al- Horreya .

However, Midan Tahrir , popularly called Manshiya has a considerable history. Areas once housed diplomats and known as Place des Consuls , but after the statue of Mohammed Ali was placed here in 1873 the name was changed to Midan Mohammed Ali. In 1882, it was bombed by the British and almost entirely destroyed. The Alexandria Stock Exchange was once located here, and it is from Midan Nasser announced the nationalization of the Suez Canal .

The street named Al- Horreya ( Tariq Abd el -Nasser ) which transverses the area from east to west was in ancient times the Canopic Way with the Gate of the Sun at the eastern end and the Gate of the Moon in the western end. At that time, there were probably columns lining the road . The main north south street , now Sharia el- Nebi Daniel , ran from Port East all the way to Lake Harbor on Lake Mariut.

Just south of the intersection of Al Horreya and el- Nebi Daniel was the site traditionally regarded as the burial place of Alexander the Great , but it has not been located, and may in fact be in the mosque Nebi Daniel (7) or in a nearby Greek necropolis . The famous Alexandria Library was probably nearby. However, the only real antiquities site that can be accessed in the area is Kom el- Dikka (8), a small Roman theater that has been excavated . Nearby is also a bath house at the time. To the east, the antiques district where merchants sell antiques , books , old weapons and furniture. Here also Attarine Mosque , which was once a church dedicated to St. Athanasius .

Further south, along the tram line is the pillar of Pompey (9) and near the Catacombs of Kom ash- Shuqqafa (10).

Wondering along el- Nebi Daniel are several other attrations , including the French Cultural Center , and near the Eliahu Hanabi Synagague (11) , which is the only synagogue in Alexandria and houses the combined treasures of the seven ancient synagogues of Alexandria.

Back north on el- Nebi Daniel , next to the harbor where Ramla station is now located at Midan Saad Zaghloul was the location of the Caesareum (12). It was a magnificent temple begun by Cleopatra for her lover Antony and completed by their enemy Octavian , but none of this situ . Nearby is the well known Cecil Hotel , built in 1930, Smerset Maugham stayed here, as Winston Churchill and the British Secret Service maintained a suite for their operations.

Midan Saad Zaghloul (13 ) is the heart and nerves entertainment center of Alexandria. Here , terminals and stations provide a backdrop for cinemas, restaurants and nightclubs . It was the scene of Lawrence Durrell Alexandria Quartet and the famous Alexandria coffee . The square is dominated by an imposing monument dedicated to Saad Zaghloul , a former national leader.

Greek and Bab Rosetta District

Back to Al Horreya eastward , we pass the Graeco-Roman Museum ( a notable museum well worth a visit) , we enter the Greek quarter of Alexandria , one of the most beautiful residential areas . The wonderful old villas include the massive construction Miclavez , which is opposite the Town Hall and near the Adda Complex built in 1929 . This is where the wealthy Greeks lived at the turn of the century, and the streets are still named after Ptolemy, Pharaonic , Abbasid and Fatimid rulers. Further east is the Greek Orthodox patriarchate andthe Church of St. Saba .

Further east , Al Horreya opens onto a beautiful green space known as Shallalat Gardens , which was once the fortification of Bab Rosetta . But in 1905, Alexandria created a garden here with waterfalls and the only Alexandria cistern which can be accessed . This tank is an example of those who once dotted Alexandria providing fresh water to its inhabitants.

Egypt tourism/ Roman Theatre , Alexandria, Egypt
Roman Theatre , Alexandria, Egypt


The Corniche is doted with Casinos built on stilts and rows of beach huts . The avenue here did not always exist , because until the 20th century, remained fortified by a five mile long wall with towers which had protected the city from the 13th century. Areas In the 1900s , a strip of land with a width of 100 years was reclaimed from the sea , and the area became popular with beach lovers. This is no longer the case , but there is a lively district of Alexandria.

At the western end of the Corniche near Silsila where the New Alexandria Library is being built are the graves Shatby is said to be the oldest in Alexandria. Nearer the San Stefano across the tram tracks is also the Royal Jewelry Museum.

Egypt tourism/ Panorama of Cornich
Panorama of Cornich

Channel Mahmudiya

A walk along the canal Mahmudiya brings face to face with the working class and the industrial districts of Alexandria, and it is pleasant along the old paved road bordered by the canal and trees. South of Greektown along the canal is the Antoniadis garden , which seep history. Here , the poet Callimachus lived and taught , and in 640 AD, Pompilius prvented the king of Syria from capturing Alexandria . But after less than a year , Amr Ibn el -As camped here , before taking the city. The Roundabout water well known , it is also in the region.

Here you will find the zoo , the small natural history museum and the Museum of Fine Arts in Muharram Bey area , and a rose garden. The beautiful public gardens extend into the surrounding area where the Antoniadis Palace is located , and there is even a Roman tomb nearby.

MontazahHelnan Palestine Hotel is famous for its numerous restaurants. The " Estacoza Restaurant", located directly on the sea, offers delicious seafood like " the seafood platter ." 
Egypt tourism/ Montazah Helnan Palestine Hotel
Montazah Helnan Palestine Hotel

 There is also the " Alexandrina restaurant " that serves international cuisine and features a dinner open buffet every day of the week. There are Asian and Italian restaurants to specialty dishes. The "Zodiac Restaurant" offers soft drinks and hot drinks, delicious ice cream and desert.The SALAMLEK Palace and HotelThe hotel offers its visitors SALAMLEK the luxurious life style of kings and queens. The hotel was built by Abbas Helmy II as hunting room for him and his little Austrian friend who became his wife and subsequently changed its name to be Gawidan Hanem .Haramlek name in Turkish means: the place where men meet, Haramlek is opposite SALAMLEK , where women remain . Under the reign of King Farouk , the palace was used as a special office and meeting room.The palace was designed by Dmitri Fabersious , one of the most famous architects of the time . It was designed using a large number of rich decorations and contained an artificial forest at the time and there were plenty of animals the Khedive and his companions used to go hunting.The Italian garden of the Palais has guns that King Fouad Ahmed has brought Europe to defend the palace against any attack that might come from the Sea.The palace has been used in a military hospital in the First World War , where British soldiers used to be transferred for treatment . After the 1952 revolution , the Haramlek Palace was converted into a hotel and it was managed by Sphinx Tourism Company. The Company San Giovanni came later and did a lot of restoration and renovations to the hotel.When you enter the main lobby , you are in the Khedive Salon with its luxurious furnishings and contains a collection of photographs of the Khedive with various VIPs. You will definitely spend some time at the reception to be able to choose the best suite the hotel has 14 special suites " Mawlana Al Moheeb " suite which has 5 large bedrooms and a view of the royal garden " Al Sahebat essma " with its three huge bedrooms and large balcony, " Dawlat Al Rais " with two bedrooms and a large balcony or " Afandina " with three bedrooms and a large balcony.The most fascinating hotel suite is the result of crystal, or the royal suite queen. It was so named because all its elements have been made ​​from blue glass and crystal .The Palace HaramlekHaramlek The Palace was built by King Ahmed Foaud in 1925 when he ordered his Italian architect firotche for the build to be the summer of the royal family of Egypt at the time residence.The Palace has a distinctive design that combines different styles with the Byzantine dominant . That's not counting the Gothic , classical , and of course styles of Islamic architecture. Haramlek the word is a term of Turkish architecture used to describe the place where the women are and it was forbidden for anyone to enter the area of special ladies.The Haramlek Palace contains many French antiques and was richly decorated in the baroque and rococo styles that consist of amazing ornaments of plants and geometric designs.The palace consists of a large living outdoors in the middle of it with all rooms and suites surround . The palace has three floors. The first floor consists of many bedrooms and bathrooms and most important of them is the office of the king, the billiard room and living room. The second floor used to house attendants and servants of kings and queens, while the third and top floor suites welcomed the king and queen with a large balcony between the two . This floor also has the following baby prince was designed cork to prevent the baby from being disturbed sleep because of the noise of footsteps.Under the reign of King Farouk , the palace was renovated and restored . King Farouk wanted to dig a crypt which is the palace directly to the sea so that it is used in the case of an attack taking place at the palace. However, he was not able to complete it because of the Egyptian revolution in 1952.